Spotlight: the Péyi Vert association




Well well well, my little hummingbirds… do you know where this sweet nickname comes from? If I tell you that it comes from one of the most beautiful little birds, emblematic, of the island of Martinique… will you believe me? The hummingbird, as cute as it is precious, is also known for being the one who tried to put out a forest fire.

According to a Native American legend – one of the most environmentally protective peoples – it is said that:

One day, the legend says, there was a huge forest fire.

All the animals, terrified and dismayed, watched helplessly as the disaster unfolded before their eyes.

Only the little hummingbird was busy, fetching a few drops with its beak to throw on the fire.

After a while, the armadillo, annoyed by this agitation which seemed trivial to him, said to him:

"Hummingbird! Aren't you crazy? You're not going to put out the fire with those drops of water!"

And the hummingbird answered him: "I know, but I am doing my part."

We must understand from this fable that every gesture counts. It symbolizes the importance of every action, every commitment even in a cause that is beyond us. This commitment can be carried to its level by each of us whatever our class or situation. Because ultimately, if each of us could give our maximum, especially for the protection of the environment, then we could change everything!


This is why I am introducing you to the Peyi Vert association today.

The objective of this association is none other than to plant 1,000,000 trees in 5 years to transform Martinique!

You have probably been informed in recent months of the many major forest fires around the world. This news has affected several continents and regions such as the Amazon, Central Africa, Indonesia, not to mention Europe and Australia. In short, you will have understood that the situation is deteriorating almost everywhere on Earth.

This climate emergency is not only characterized by the outbreaks of fires, although impressive. Multiple species are also in distress because of the various events that impact Mother Nature.

In Martinique, the Peyi Vert association is mobilizing to preserve the island ecosystem and respond to the global climate challenge. Acting to save the island's biodiversity is a major project, especially when we know that there are many species native to the Caribbean basin that are rare, protected or even threatened with extinction.

Do you know the Courbaril, the Genipa, the Gum tree or even the Icaquier, the Sapodilla tree, the Cocoa tree? If you know two on this list, that's already good! So just imagine that the loss of one of these species would upset the balance of this beautiful Caribbean nature. It is therefore essential to replant them massively on our territory. The Peyi association has decided to favor melliferous species (whose nectar is used by bees - another endangered species - to produce honey during the pollination of flowers), nourishing species or those with a strong ecological interest (repair tree by phyto-purification or soil decontamination - a little nod to the chlordecone scandal). All invasive species (Mahogany, Caribbean Tulip trees, Flamboyants, etc.) have been excluded from the list because their high-speed proliferation mode prevents the proper development of the local flora.

It is therefore time, my little hummingbirds, to take care of our Earth and our little Caribbean. As a famous proverb from our country says, "sé an lanmen ka lavé lot", I would say to you "sé an pié bwa ka mennen an lot". So if it is true that we do not all have the same means or the same tools, let us try in all humility to contribute to an ever more beautiful Martinique and Caribbean!


As Péyi Vert would say… To the citizen trees!!!

And you, dear little hummingbirds? How do you do “your part”? Tell me in the comments. And don’t hesitate to talk about this association around you.


In a beautiful way,



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2 Responses

  1. This article is so cool!
    I admit that I just try to pay attention to my immediate environment and my daily waste, but I was not aware of the situation of our vegetation.

    1. There is a real awareness to be raised at this level. And of course, it must be done on a Caribbean scale... each region has its own specificities.

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